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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Campout, First Merit Badge, First Aid

Just getting up to speed with where I am now might take a week or two, so this isn't what I am doing now but what I've done through now. In August I had my first over-nighter with my patrol (The Flaming Arrows of Troop 1181). My best friend, Matt, is in the troop and we camped together. We set up our tent, made a fire, ate dinner, and then the rain came. It rained most of the night so we stayed in our tent pretty much until it was time to leave in the morning. I had fun anyway.

I started my rank advancement in September. To become a tenderfoot, I had to record push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, long jump, and quarter mile run for the month so with the help of my brother Steve, and a new pull-up bar dad attached to our swing, I recorded the progress for the month. My bigest improvement was sit-ups. I don't know if my quarter mile run time ever changed however.

My First First-Aid Kit
MB#1 - First Aid

Certain first aid requirements were also necessary for advancement to tenderfoot and second class. Dad encouraged me to just get my First Aid Merit Badge since it was required and since it would help me with my rank and every other merit badge as well. So, First Aid was my first merit badge earned. I am officially on my way.