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Saturday, October 23, 2010

6 and Counting - only 121 to Go

Thursday was a huge day at The AF Rec Center. I was there for five different classes. It was my sign-off day for two MB's and an introduction day for three others.

MB#5 - Reading

I finished my Reading Merit Badge over the past couple of weeks and had the counselor sign my blue card. She gave me a treat because I was in full uniform at the class. This MB'll never guess it....a ton of reading! Among the things I read were:

MB#6 - Weather

The Reading Mert Badge counselor was also the Weather Merit Badge counselor so I got another treat for being in full uniform. Among some of the requirements I finished for this MB were to write a report on acid rain, give an oral report on a career involving the weather, and build a weather instrument. My dad was laughing at the info in the MB booklet because it stated there were many professions in the weather industry yet the summary was only one-half page long that listed really only 3 professions: researching, reporting, or teaching.

My Weather Vane
The first new MB's I started was Chemistry - I got to eat onions for this one. It was an example of chemical changes with heat. Luckily I like onions or this might have been hard. The second MB is Public Health. We learned about disease - Yuck. And the third MB is Electricity. I got some copper wire to make something with. I'm going to use it to make my device for my Signaling MB.