What a time to be working on this MB. I'm still not sure how journalists can report on events impartially. This past week was devastating in Japan with a massive earthquake followed by a tsunami shortly afterward. It was the story that I both listened to on the radio and watched on national and local television and read about on several new sites on the Internet. How sad! Anyhow, my write-up of this national event can be found here.
On a lighter note, I did a mock article on the Lindon 5K that was run on March 26, 2011. It was cold that morning but I was glad that I was reporting on it and not running it. Both my mom and my brother ran it (but neither of them won). It was for a good cause. A little boy in our community needs a new cochlear implant and the registration fees went to help pay for a new one. This was a fun MB and I haven't ruled out becoming a journalist in the future.